$300.00 USD

By checking this box, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.

Service Agreement

By purchasing a coaching package from Gail Starr under 3starrs and participating in the coaching sessions provided through "The AI Edge: Personalized Solutions," you (the "Client") agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Coaching Services/h4>

The client understands that the services provided include personalized, AI-powered coaching sessions focused on business strategies, sales materials, and other related content as agreed upon during each session.

2. No Guarantees

The client acknowledges that while the coaching services aim to provide valuable guidance and support, results are not guaranteed. Success depends on various factors including Client’s own efforts, the implementation of strategies, and other external variables.

3. Intellectual Property

All materials, strategies, and content provided during the coaching sessions are for the Client’s personal use only. Client agrees not to sell, distribute, or share these materials with third parties without express written consent from Gail Starr.

4. Non-Refundable Packages

The client acknowledges that once a coaching session has been purchased, it is non-refundable. If the Client wishes to terminate their participation in the coaching program before all sessions in their package have been completed, they are still required to finish the remaining sessions in the package. No refunds or credits will be provided for unused sessions.

5. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive information disclosed during the coaching sessions, including but not limited to business strategies, personal data, and proprietary information.

6. Limitation of Liability

Gail Starr and 3starrs shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the services provided. The total liability of Gail Starr and 3starrs, under any circumstances, shall not exceed the total amount paid by the Client for the coaching services.

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed following the laws of South Africa.


The AI Edge: Personalized Solutions

Feeling stuck trying to create all those essential assets for your online business? You're not alone.

That's exactly why I've created this personalized 1:1 coaching session.

In just 90 minutes, we'll harness the power of AI to tackle your biggest business challenges head-on.

Here are a few of the things that we can achieve together:

  1. Craft that perfect email sequence you've been struggling with
  2. Nail your sales page messaging to convert more leads
  3. Brainstorm irresistible lead magnets your audience will love
  4. Map out your next launch strategy for maximum impact

How it works:

👉 You get 90 minutes of focused attention from me and ChatGPT

👉 We create custom, AI-powered strategies for your unique business

👉 You walk away with actual done, completed assets and actionable AI strategies to use in the future

🚀 Limited slots available!

What People Are Saying:

For 3 years I’d had this idea in my head to create an online program, I knew the people I was attracting into my world but I couldn’t find the clarity of the niche I wanted to work in. Spending just an hour with Gail and ChatGPT initially gave me such clarity into my niche and audience and as we continued working together to take my ideas, my knowledge and skills out of my head, we outlined my program, clarified the promised transformation and we are working on my launch.

Ines Gaston

I could not believe the GOLD I got. My mind was literally blown. 3 years of gathering information about my audience and Chatgpt was able to pretty much give me all of it in 2 hours. Having Gail sitting side by side with me was invaluable because we were able to take what I knew and then feed it into chat to mine out the gold. It was a great combination of taking ground work and then supercharging it with AI

Candice Davies
